Doctor Strange is the Supreme Wizard from the Marvel Universe, created in the comic books by Stan Lee along with Steve Ditko in 1963. Stephen Strange was a brilliant neurosurgeon, but his arrogant, selfish and greedy ways made him unpopular and has left him socially isolated. Strange then suffered a car accident that damaged the nerves of his hands, affecting his movements, and preventing him from continuing to work as a medical surgeon. Too proud to accept smaller positions, he exhausted his fortune in trying to heal himself, but with no results.
With his last resources, Stephen Strange went to the East in search of an old wizard called "the Elder" to treat him, but ends up becoming his apprentice in the mystical arts. Strange becomes the Supreme Magician on Earth, establishing his base in his Sanctum Sanctorum in Greenwich Village, New York. Next to his servant and friend Wong, he begins to fight supernatural forces.
In Avengers: Infinity War, Doctor Strange is a target of Thanos as he bears one of the Infinity Stones: Time.